Hello friends and fellow-homeschoolers!
I want to share a very unlikely story with you, about how Classical Conversations has blessed my life. Yes, it has provided a much needed grid for our homeschooling. Yes, it has given us a rich community experience for 6 years and counting. And yes, I have watched with joy as my kiddos and I have grown leaps and bounds together. But my Classical Conversations story is more unexpected than all of that. Because, “…no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”
Last fall, my friend and fellow CC tutor Blanca shared a newly released song of mine with her husband, Alejandro. He loved the song, so he went and listened to more of my music, and found my song Man of Sorrows. When he heard it, he saw the entire storyline for a music video in his mind, from start to finish. He called me up, and asked if he could produce a music video for the song – for free. I was in shock, but of course, said yes. Over the next few months, my husband and I collaborated with Alejandro on the story-line for the video, and were blessed to build the beautiful friendship God had initiated between our families. Within a few months, we were heading up to California’s Bodie State Historic Park for our first shoot; a month later, we shot at our second location in Auburn, California, replete with a cast of actors, makeup and the works. I didn’t find out until later that Alejandro Guimoye is an Emmy-award winning director/producer. Fast-forward to 1 year later, and the video has been released and nominated for awards in several film festivals, including the International Christian Visual Media Film Awards.
How precious that this song I wrote to Jesus years ago (before I even had children, in fact!), has found new life in the shape of this stunningly beautiful, visual story. How sweet that the vehicle for this endeavor was the friendship of two CC tutors, and their families coming together to collaborate artistically, for God’s glory. And what a testimony to God’s grace and faithfulness – that even in the midst of this busy, crazy season of raising kids, God is at work, building His kingdom in unseen, unanticipated ways. He puts us in community and knits us together, for His own glorious purposes. And while we are working hard day by day, trying our best to point our kids to Christ, God is at work in ways we have not yet understood or imagined; for our good, and for His glory.
I hope my story blesses and inspires you! I, for one, am amazed that God brought forth this video through our CC community. I pray it encourages your heart to trust the Lord, and to persevere in the tasks He has entrusted to you. He is the Author of the story of our lives, and He is faithful!
In Christ,
– Thena

Shooting the opening scene in Bodie State Historic Park, California
My husband Ted, keeping us on schedule
Me & Alejandro on the set in Auburn, California
Friend & fellow CC tutor Blanca (Alejandro’s wife) on the Bodie set
Rehearsing the baptism scene
Ted & my boys on the Auburn set
Shooting the bedside scene with Benjamin & Eliana
❤️ To see more of our homeschool journey, visit www.HomespunHomeschool.com ❤️