When love seems weak
And hate seems strong,
The world, it seems
Has gone all wrong;
Yet love has come
In flesh and bone
To show us
This is not our home.

He came to bring
God’s kingdom near,
He spoke for those
With ears to hear,
But we couldn’t
A heavenly kingdom
Without end.

We hated Love
When Love forgave.
We wanted to
Remain as slaves.
We feared He’d take
Our vice away
Preferring dungeons
To the day.
We couldn’t see
What freedom is:
To be released
From our sins.

We loved the world
And bought the lie
Of riches, pleasure
Fame and “I.”
We didn’t walk
The narrow road;
We’d rather carry
Our own load,
And feel our work
Proves our own worth,
Than enter into
His rebirth.

Yet for our sake
He became sin
So we could be
Righteous in Him.

But only God
Removes the veil,
Only God
Can prevail,
Only God
Can make us see
Our Savior,
On our bended knee.

And until
We trust His name
We’ll keep on toiling
Just the same.
But if we turn
To Him today,
If we stop chasing
Our own way,
Then we’ll find
Our rest in Him,
And comfort
From the storm within,
And we’ll hear
Our Savior say,

“Don’t be troubled
Or afraid!
My peace I leave,
My peace I give,
Not as the world gives
Do I give.
I’ve washed your sins
Away from you;
It is finished,
It is through!”

When love seems weak
And hate seems strong,
And the world
Has gone all wrong,
We are thankful
To seem weak,
For we are strongest
When we’re meek,
And we won’t let
Our love grow cold;
We’ll forgive
Until we’re old.

For Love has come
And shone his face,
His name is “Jesus”
O, what grace!