That MTV Show

  Towards the end of my undergrad at USC, I auditioned for an MTV show. I never would have done it, but a classmate brought me the flyer and said I should check it out; so I did. What started as one audition turned into nine months of call-backs. The show was called “The Microphone Sessions,” and the concept was to have a bunch artists from different genres, with the challenge of writing a song a week on a given topic. Sara Bariellas was one of the final contestants, along with me and six or seven others. But the call-back process was grueling, and I started to question whether the show was a good thing or not. At one of the call-backs, the producer had unearthed the information from me that I had recently gotten out of a gay relationship. I’m sure she was digging for that sort of thing from all the contestants, in order to create conflict, or a some sort of juicy storyline. The interview was on camera, with a crew, under hot lights in a studio in Hollywood – way out of my comfort zone. She kept pushing me on the subject, so I I shared with her that I had come to realize that being gay was not ok with God, and I believed that He had someone else for me – a man – that He would bring into my life at the right time. The producer literally laughed in my face. I could see hatred, haughtiness and mocking scorn in her eyes. When the show fell through, I thanked God. I wasn’t sure what exactly I had been spared from, but I knew He was protecting me. I never made it onto MTV, but God did bring my husband Ted into my life, despite what that producer thought or said! Praise God! When we trust in Him, He always proves Himself to be trustworthy!